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Parent/Carer Update

Dear Parents and Carers
As we come to the end of our second week of home study, we're hoping that you have managed to find some sense of routine but wanted to offer some further support if needed.
  1. Well-being is more important than anything else. In a classroom, teachers break down activities into chunks and lessons will develop from what students do or don't understand. If students are finding things stressful despite their perseverance, it is important to take a break or move onto something else. Our teachers are always available to email if they need support. 
  2.  Having a routine is more important than what the routine includes. The day might begin with a discussion of what they will do that day, maybe starting with some physical activity (although we haven't attempted Joe Wicks in our house!) and then focusing on set, manageable tasks.
The following website has some useful resources to support well-being for parents and children during this difficult time.
With the uncertainty of when we will be returning to school, after Easter we will be moving to more structured approach to the work that is being set to support students with organising their time. Teachers will set work at the beginning of each week on Google Classroom with clear instructions on how long students should spend on the task and how and when the work should be completed and submitted.
Year 10 and Year 12 students may find that they have individual Google Classrooms for their subjects. This will help them to keep the momentum going for their exam courses and will allow their teachers to provide more detailed feedback on the work completed.
We are awaiting confirmation from the Department for Education regarding the next steps and support available for Year 11 and Year 13. We are mindful of how stressful and upsetting this situation has been for them and we will update you with further information as soon as we can.
The most up-to-date information and answers to frequently asked questions regarding this can be found on this link.
We hope you have a lovely Easter and stay safe.
Kind regards