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Calling All Families

 Family First Survey

Hertfordshire County Council have launched a short survey and are looking for families to help understand which services for children and young people they use and how they find their information.

The results of the survey will be used to help make sure that the right information and advice is available to support families, and that it’s easy for parents, grandparents and carers to find what they need.

In Hertfordshire there are a range of services, as well as information and advice available to support families including counselling services, local groups, clubs and activities, health services, SEND services and parenting courses. It’s important that everyone caring for a child or young person has access to these services and information to give every family a helping hand if and when needed.

If you are a parent, grandparent or carer please do take the time to complete the survey and help shape future services and information.

Survey closes on 14th July. Thank you, we appreciate your help.

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