Coronavirus Activities - teaching resources for parents and teachers
Coronavirus Activities
We know that the coronavirus has put schools under immense pressure and these are uncertain times for us all. To help we’ve created a special coronavirus edition of Newsthink.
As schools are now closed (except for vulnerable pupils or children of critical key workers) we’d encourage you to share this resource with parents and students so they can learn online. Or alternatively you can create a safe forum for discussion with those remaining in school.
The quick activities included in this new teaching resource will help develop young people’s resilience and explore acts of kindness within the community.
Using photos, facts and real-life scenarios 11 to 18-year-olds will consider how they could respond to different situations and the value kindness can play at this difficult time.
Learning objectives
Understand what both the coronavirus and a pandemic are.
Gain knowledge and understanding of expert advice on health and safety.
Explore the phenomenon of ‘misinformation’: understand why fact checking is so important and encourage critical thinking in difficult situations.
Explore the meaning of kindness, and how they can start developing this in their own lives
We know the education community is doing amazing things to support each other and we’d like to thank you for using and sharing our resources. We have a wide range of other free resources on our website to help build resilience which you can explore here.