Letter To Parents - Update From The Headteacher
22 May 2020
Dear Parents/ Carers,
I hope that you and your families are keeping well during what has been a very difficult time for everyone. As we reach half-term, I want to update you briefly on the school’s current position in light of the national guidance.
We have been open throughout the lockdown for the children of key workers and I am grateful to all my colleagues who have gone in to school every day to support those students. I am equally grateful to the staff who have been setting work through Google classrooms and to the Form Tutors, Teachers, SENDCos and Heads of Year who have been in touch with students and families and remain available to support you.
Next week is half-term. School remains open – apart from Bank Holiday Monday – for the children of key workers. I hope that all the students at home take a proper break from their studies and on-line learning. I am not expecting teachers to be setting or monitoring work next week.
As you probably know, the Government has asked secondary schools to provide some form of face-to-face support for students in Years 10 and 12 before the end of the summer term. In common with other secondary schools, we are awaiting guidance on what that support might look like. However, this will not be a full return to school for Years 10 and 12 and the school will not be open for those students immediately after half-term.
Once we have received further advice and guidance, I will be in touch again to let you know what support we might be providing. Our main priority will be the safety of our students and staff, as I am sure you will appreciate.
In the meantime, I wish you all a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend and a good half-term.
Yours sincerely
Edward Gaynor