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Y10 and Y12 Letter to Parents

3 June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

A partial reopening for Years 10 and 12 from Monday 15 June 2020

I hope that you and your families have been well during this very difficult time.  You will be aware that the Government recently announced that secondary schools should invite Year 10 and Year 12 students back to school from 15 June for some face-to-face support with their teachers to supplement the remote education that your child has been doing over the last 10 weeks.

The expectation is that schools will offer this support for a quarter of the Year 10 and Year 12 cohort at any one time.  However, remote education will continue to be the predominant form of education for these year groups – as it is for all other years. 

We will be offering one day a week for Year 10 students to study English, Maths, Science and one Humanities subject.  The year group will be split into ‘bubbles’ of approximately 10 – 13 students per group and there will be two groups in each day.  For example, your child will be allocated a day a week in school and that day will remain the same until the end of term.  No Year 10 students will be in on Fridays.

If your child is in Year 10 and is already attending school because you are a key worker he or she will remain with their current group.

We are taking a cautious approach in order to ensure the safety of students and staff.  The Facilities Manager and site team have been working in school throughout the closure to ensure that the site is made as safe as it can be, bearing in mind the new rules for hygiene and social distancing.  The full Risk Assessment undertaken by the Facilities Manger will be available on our website from tomorrow and below is a summary of the main points:

  • The site team have made changes within classrooms, corridors, dining room and general facilities to enable staff and students to social distance
  • School lunches will be sandwiches or salads, which will be ordered by the students at the beginning of each day and delivered to the room they have allocated
  • Please make sure your child has money on their catering account (if they are not FSM) through ParentPay, in order that they can purchase their lunch
  • Students need to bring a water bottle into school that can be refilled from the water fountain
  • No school clubs or activities before or after school
  • Keyworker students in at 8.30am and leave at 3.15pm
  • Year 10 students in at 9.00am and leave at 3.00pm
  • Welcome and expectations from me and Mr Daddow in the Hall for students’ first day back
  • No uniform to be worn

It will be entirely your decision if you wish your child to return to school for this support.  I completely understand the anxiety parents may have about their child’s health.  There will be no penalty if you decide not to send your child to school.  You will not receive truancy calls or be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

I would be grateful if you would let us know your intention by completing the simple survey below by midday on Friday 5 June.


If we do not hear from you, we will assume that your child is not coming into school.  Once we know the numbers expected to come in, we will send those students a timetable next week. While we do not expect students to be in uniform, we do expect them to come prepared for school with their own equipment – no equipment will be given out by teachers. 


By agreeing to your child returning for a day a week, we will appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child observes the social distancing rules which will be in place and that they will follow our instructions for their own safety and protection and the safety of others. 


Any child who finds it difficult to do this will be asked to continue to work from home and not have this opportunity for face-to-face support with their teachers.


There will be a different arrangement for Year 12 who will initially come in for individual face-to-face meetings with Miss East in the first week; their schedule will be sent out next week.


We look forward to welcoming your child back to school, if you wish them to attend, and in the meantime send you our continued good wishes during what has been a uniquely challenging time.  If you have any questions about any of this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely


signature eddie

Edward Gaynor
