Please download the latest whole school letters.
- PE at ACS Jan 2025pdf
- Student Behaviour Recording January 2025pdf
- December 24 end of term arrangementspdf
- Winter festival ticketspdf
- Christmas jumper day 2024pdf
- Open Evening October 24pdf
- Jeans for Genes 04.09.2024pdf
- Parent letter 050924pdf
- September- attendance encouragement letter.docxpdf
- Parental Survey July 2024pdf
- End of term letter 2024 - September rules and routinespdf
- Summer 24 end of term arrangementspdf
- Phone Policy Updatepdf
- Parent Homework 300124 V2pdf
- Christmas December 2023pdf
- Food Bank Dec 23pdf
- Family Support Worker Welcome July 23pdf
- December updates from the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors 2022pdf
- Parent Governor letter 29.4.22pdf
- Inspection 2021pdf
- Parents View letter - school Inspectionpdf
- A guide for parents - School Inspectionpdf
- Misuse of technology Nov 2021pdf
- General Data Protection Regulations letter to parents 2018pdf
- The Astley Cooper School Ofsted Reportpdf