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The PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and Citizenship programme is designed to:

  • meet the statutory requirements (sex education, relationships, mental health and careers and First Aid)
  • develop students’ understanding and analytical skills to be healthy, safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution to their community and country and maintain emotional well-being
  • promote young people’s well-being (physical and mental health, emotional, social and economic, education, training and recreation and protection from harm and neglect)
  • develop students’ core skills such as communication, leadership, working with others, metacognition and analysis, exploring other cultures and beliefs

If we are successful our students will be:

  • able to develop and learn to live life well
  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
  • independent thinkers able to formulate their own personal opinions and able to participate in activities in school and the local community
  • be tolerant and accepting individuals who appreciate Britain’s diversity and attitudes towards social justice

General Information

  • The lessons will be delivered to Year 7 twice a fortnight, and to Years 8 and 9 once a fortnight. Years 10 and 11 will have discussions and debates in form time as well as drop down day
  • External workshops and practitioners will be regularly used to support the learning and the development of knowledge such as Drugs Link, training the students on alcohol and drug abuse
  • All students will develop key transferable skills including literacy, numeracy and creativity


PSHE explores the fundamental British values of students understanding different cultures, beliefs, current topics and themes in society. PSHE students develop an appreciation of identity and different values, and lessons enable students to gain an understanding in a safe and respectful manner. A current scheme of work explores the questions 'What does it mean to be British' and ‘What does it mean to be English’. Enabling students to consider the current society they live in and what makes them who they are. Students are able to acquire a general knowledge of healthy eating and the environment, focusing on climate change.  Students are challenged in their own personal opinions and behaviours to maintain a high standard of the values and tolerance.

PSHE Co-ordinator, Mr A Moscovici