Useful Websites
Unifrog is a careers application that allows students to explore information on all the pathways that are available to them at each stage of their school education. Students can explore many different careers and find information about what qualifications and experience might be needed.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a set of standards provided to schools to help them in the delivery of careers education, and as a way of measuring CEG which can be used by Ofsted in an inspection. Unifrog, along with school provision, provides CEG in line with statutory guidelines and the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Labour Market Information (LMI)
Students and parents can explore good quality information about any future study options and labour market opportunities. Careerometer 2 allows students to investigate pay scales and compare different occupational employment patterns.
Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal
Explore career opportunities in Hertfordshire - jobs, apprenticeships, support to make informed career decisions, tips on gaining work experience, skills development and lots more.
Amazing Apprenticeships
Careers Box
Careersbox is the national careers film library, a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing real jobs.
This website helps young people find apprenticeships in the area of work most suited to them.
Careers & Enterprise Company
This national network connects schools and colleges with employers and careers programme providers and supports them to work together to provide young people with effective and high-quality encounters with the world of work.